
I enjoy talking about a wide range of subjects that I find fascinating. Football, aside from video games, must be one of my greatest loves. Football, or soccer to Americans, has always been one of my favourite sports. As I was raised in east London, it should be clear who I support. I am a devoted Hammer, for those who might be a little more dull or ignorant. I have supported West Ham all of my life, and I will always be a supporter. I have the stickers to prove it on my corner wardrobe! If I had to choose a guy crush, it would be none other than east London hero Mark Noble since I adore the team and the players so much.

One of the most significant aspects of my life has always been the club, but recently, loving the club hasn’t been simple.

West Ham was founded on working class ideals by working class supporters, and it will always be that way in the club’s heart and spirit. Ironworkers from the surrounding Thames founded the original club and participated in its games; they did so to engage in social activities. The team started off in the amateur leagues and gradually moved up to the professional leagues. Despite the fact that the club was never intended to compete in the professional leagues, the teams’ dedication and tenacity only helped the organisation. With time, the devoted fan following realised that the players shared a hometown and a hardscrabble lower-class upbringing, and they couldn’t help but fall in love.

The team is currently struggling since its owners are from an entirely different background. The owners of the club are multi-millionaires with little to no attachment to or love for the club, and they are not in touch with the heart and soul of the club or connected to the millions of fans around the world. This is not to say that higher class individuals shouldn’t be associated with the club. They regrettably treat the club more like a company than like a club for the fans. The owners are giving to the Conservative party rather than themselves because they are so out of touch with the supporters. The same club that supports Labour politics is this one. Leaving politics out,

Even our grievances and concerns go unheard. Even talking about prospective problems or fears with the club chairmen is impossible without being subjected to a barrage of unbelievable lies. Our fans have been misled by the board so often that we are unable to believe even the most basic announcements. Although we are not the first club to be bought and governed by individuals who do not care about the club, it hurts us greatly because we were never intended to be in this situation. The chairmen pretended to be club supporters and claimed to know exactly what we needed and how to advance us, but all they ever told us was that they were fans of the team.

Although the readers of this site may not think much of it, it is really important to us. Please read some of my other entries from the past few days if you loved today’s!